Aug 19, 2018 | Greg Johnson

Dead or Alive

Be ruthless over your sin.You don’t play with cancer, you attack it, catch it early and take it out. Don’t let it grow into stage 4 – TAKE IT OUT, It’s never worth it.

Recognize your position in Jesus. It’s so important to see the contrast between old and new, dead and alive. When you see the contrast, something in your heart recognizes the difference – the difference between bitterness and forgiveness, between anger and compassion, malice and kindness, greed and gratitude – pursue a new position, and watch your affections transform 

Cultivate the attributes of Jesus in your life. You see the list, so begin pursuing what you already possess. Fertilize those things, let them grow and they will choke out the weeds – this is called sanctification, or becoming like Jesus

The ultimate response is WORSHIP. Worship is our response to what we value most. It is a by-product of our new nature. We don’t worship to gain the new life, but BECAUSE WE HAVE GAINED the NEW LIFE

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