
Aug 29, 2021 | Greg Johnson


1. The God of detail is interested in every detail of your life. The same God who created the heavens and the earth in detail is the same God who outlined judgment in great detail, and the same God who detailed the New Jerusalem, and the same God who is interested every detail of your life. Psalm 139:1-3

2. The END takes us back to the BEGINNING. Revelation is the COMPLETION of God’s beautiful story of his pursuit of his people. He will make all things right, including the eradication of all sin, evil and darkness for all time. This is not an outlier book, but a book of COMPLETION.

3. What you do with Jesus has eternal consequences. Your robe is white because of the blood of Jesus, you get entry to the gate of the NEW JERUSALEM because of Jesus, you get to drink from the living water because of Jesus, you get to eat from the tree of life because of Jesus –

4. Revelation calls us all to URGENT OBEDIENCE. He is coming soon, and the faithful to the end reap the reward.

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