Jul 08, 2018 | Greg Johnson

Life Under Heaven

  1. God is in control.While we all tend to operate under assumption that we are in control, “under the sun”, God is ultimately in control, working a plan for our good and for his glory – and while he does as he pleases, what pleases him is YOU
  2. God is crazy about YOU. When God thinks about you, he doesn’t look at the parts, but the whole He is working toward an end, where victory is sure, and inviting you into the process – his plan is good. You are not an accident - Psalm 139:13-14 –the God that created you did so with great purpose and design – you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and he has determined a plan for you that is being worked for your good
  3. God set eternity in your heart. Your life will make sense, when you receive LOGOS. Jesus is what makes this life, the good and the not so good, make sense – Romans 8:18, 28, 37-38

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