Aug 12, 2018 | Greg Johnson

Look Up

Pursuit– one of biggest challenges as followers of Jesus today is that we’ve misunderstood the transaction of grace in our lives – Grace does not give you permission to continue to pursue the affections of the world, but rather gives you the power to pursue something eternal and greater for your life– some of you today need to acknowledge that what your heart wants has nothing to do with the purposes of Jesus – “setting your heart on things above” means you are pursuing the attributes of Jesus, the will of Jesus, loving what Jesus loves – in short, you have to adjust your gaze from horizontal to vertical – LOOK UP!

Position– “where Christ is seated at right hand of God” – when you said yes to Jesus, you got a new position – you are no longer of this world, but adopted in the family of most high king – 1 Peter 2:9-10– you are chosen to be royalty – you have a seat at the royal table.

We’ve been here a lot over the last few months – this is Romans 12:2– being transformed in our minds – we no longer think like the world does, no longer have the trajectory or the strategy of the world – again, this is a daily decision – told you a couple of weeks ago about needing to tighten up some of the governors in my life pertaining to what I watched – the spiritual battle begins in the mind, and too often affects both our pursuits (actions) or beliefs about who we are (position)-

If you want to move forward in resurrection power, accessing the DNA that is already in you, starts in the mind, and LOOKING UP (Again, UP)

Verse 3 reiterates essence of gospel – YOU DIED – any theology that allows for you continuing to live in sin and compromise is not the way of Jesus – YOU DIED – “and your life is now hidden with Christ in God” – this is picture of new life – no longer about you and your life, but taking on the life of Christ – a statement of transformation and protection – there is incredible security in knowing that Christ now owns my life – I am HIDDEN WITH HIM in an eternal way – (UP).

Some of you have trusted Jesus for salvation, but haven’t trusted him with your daily living – No longer about you, but purposes of Jesus – The goal of following Jesus is to get so close that when people are looking for you, all they see is Jesus – your life is now HIDDEN IN HIM

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