
Nov 21, 2020 | Greg Johnson

The Church at Laodicea

So, Jesus says, “I’m calling you out because I love you – Turn away from your complacency and open up your heart so we can get back to intimacy, and help you rediscover why you exist, and start living a life that changes the world

Think about Peter: He speaks his identity into him early on – “I am going to build my church on you”, but Peter didn’t get it, and he struggled, constantly reacting and ultimately denying Jesus – But Jesus came knocking in John 21 – “Peter, do you love me? FEED MY SHEEP” – Rediscover your calling – he restored him, then in Acts 2, EMPOWERED HIM by the HOLY SPIRIT – because Jesus loved Peter, he never gave up on him.

And Jesus hasn’t given up on you – maybe this morning, you feel him knocking – maybe you didn’t even realize you had become tepid, complacent, lukewarm, but you feel him knocking – know that he’s knocking because HE LOVES YOU and HAS GREAT PLANS FOR YOU, and HE WANTS TO USE YOU TO CHANGE THE WORLD – and because we are a collection of individuals, he wants to use RESTORATION to CHANGE THE WORLD – We are in this together –

For some, we will be a HOT SPRING of healing, for others a COOL refreshing drink – The most important thing is that Jesus is the head of the church and he will determine what you need to be and when as you are living in faithful intimacy with him.


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