
Jan 15, 2023 | Greg Johnson

Better Than

1. Because Jesus is the BETTER PROPHET, you can fully receive ALL the promises of God. Many prophets over hundreds promised peace and freedom on the other side of judgment – Jesus was and is the fulfillment of every promise God has made. 2 Corinthians 1:20 – Prophets promised what would one day be, but Jesus promises what IS and IS TO COME.

2. Because Jesus is the BETTER PRIEST, you are SONS and DAUGHTERS. When you receive Jesus as SAVIOR, you are grafted into the kingdom of God, and he passes on SONSHIP to you – John 1:12

3. Because Jesus is the BETTER KING, you are an HEIR in the Kingdom of God. – He is not just KING, but a benevolent KING, and now you receive all rights and privileges that Jesus has – Romans 8:17 – Jesus offers a seat at the table! 1 Peter 2:9-10

4. You are now the IMPRINT of GOD to the world. Jesus pays it forward – because he is, YOU ARE – Matthew 5:13, 2 Corinthians 5:20

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