The Difficult Words of Jesus

Jul 07, 2019 | Kade Kaaz

Greater Things Are These

Ironically the words of Jesus that are hardest to receive are the words of love, hope, and/or power. This is hard to receive by a world that is mired in an orphan spirit and fatherlessness.

  • The application is a change in thinking, a change in language -- In a family context we HAVE to see our spouse and children for who they are: powerful princes and princesses in the Kingdom with uniquely powerful destinies and unknowable potential.


  • To every believer, we think of them, speak to them, and honor them for the value assigned by Jesus, NOT according to what is currently visible. (ie. Superman was powerful from birth, long before he ever had awareness of his powers).

Communion: Communion is a time to remember… It’s a feast we take every week to remember what God has done and what we believe He is going to do again. I like to take communion a step further… For me, to remember what Jesus did—the sacrifice he made—was to deliver me, and also to empower me.

What I have done and I highly recommend, is to take time pressing in to God’s voice.

  • Destiny is revealed by intimacy. Ask the Lord what He thinks of you – What is HIS vision for your life?

I have crafted a statement with the Lord and according to Scripture that I declare over myself daily. A personal benediction if you will. This is part of my communion. To remind me that because of the blood of Jesus, I carry a spirit that enables me to bring heaven to earth without limit.

My challenge to you is to do the same. For you, for your spouse, for your kids – and tell somebody. It’s hard to forget who you are when your household/community holds you to it.

I’ll end with this quote:

“I’m saved when I believe in Jesus… But I am transformed when I realize that Jesus believes in me…”

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