
Dec 11, 2022 | Greg Johnson

Justice and Mercy

1. Jesus is the full embodiment of MERCY and JUSTICE. The beauty of God with Us is that for you and me it is “God IN Us”, and by receiving Jesus, you get the fullness of both mercy and justice to apply, and the more you pursue intimacy with Jesus, the more you apply them like Jesus. (John 1:14)

2. The Bible is a living document to be used as a template for life, not as a weapon. The Bible, first and foremost is not just the story of God, but the story of us. Their story is your story. God has given both his word and Jesus to invite us into a better way to live. Always check your motivation before quoting scripture to people. Don’t talk AT people, but WITH them.

3. Publicly defend and privately challenge. The guilty don’t need to be publicly shamed. Learn their story. Treat them with dignity and honor. It will give you access and permission to privately challenge them to leave their life of sin.


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