Jan 05, 2020 | Greg Johnson


We, for every kind of reason, good and bad, are distracting ourselves into oblivion. It is not that we have anything against God, depth, and spirit, we would like these, it is just that we are habitually too preoccupied to have any of these show up on our radar screens. We are more busy than bad, more distracted than nonspiritual, and more interested in the movie theater, the sports stadium, and the shopping mall and the fantasy life they produce in us than we are in church. Pathological busyness, distraction, and restlessness are major blocks today within our spiritual lives.


This fast is about being still, shutting out the noise, the busyness of life, the preoccupation with our idols, whether it be money, career, our kid’s sports or academic pursuits, you fill in the blank, and giving God the first month of the year allowing him to set the agenda for your year


  1. Fasting shows that God is the SUSTAINER. We are saying no to food to allow God to be the one that SUSTAINS and SATISFIES.


  1. FASTING develops a HUNGER and THIRST for more of Jesus. As you begin to press in, he will meet you there and take you to a deeper place with him


  1. FASTING eliminates your biggest toxin – YOU. We are selfish and preoccupied with our pursuits by nature. This is a huge RESET BUTTON

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