Mar 05, 2023 | Greg Johnson

The Great High Priest

1. No more hiding. First of all, it doesn’t do any good. Nothing is hidden from God’s sight. You can’t hide from God. You can’t run from God. So, maybe it’s time to give up the retreat, and come be “laid bare” before him.

2. Jesus is a BETTER PRIEST. Jesus is a BETTER PRIEST because he offered a BETTER SACRIFICE. Again, the GOD/MAN made full payment on the cross, shattered the sacrificial system, and gave us all FULL ACCESS to GOD – NO MORE VEIL.

3. Jesus has been there. Wherever you’ve been, Jesus can relate. He struggled through humanness just like you. But he OVERCAME SIN. That’s what makes him the PERFECT SACRIFICE, the LAMB of GOD that takes away the SIN of the WORLD.

4. RUN to the THRONE of GRACE. God doesn’t want to you to run and hide. In fact, just as he did in Genesis 3, when you sin, he comes looking for you. “Where are you?” What a picture of grace. He is the Father in Luke 15 standing on the road waiting for the return of his prodigal son. He doesn’t hold your sin against you, but rather invites you into forgiveness and freedom from guilt, shame and fear.


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