
Jan 16, 2022 | Greg Johnson

To Live Is Christ

What does it look like to say “To live is Christ?”

1. In Christ, you see your chains as opportunities for God to get glory. In Christ, even your worst days are opportunities for Jesus to move to the forefront. Your response to your darkest day is a calling card for the gospel.

2. In Christ, humility bubbles to the surface. You will never have grace and forgiveness for those who oppose you without Jesus. You will naturally be self-focused without him. In Christ, you are focused on Jesus and others before yourself.

3. In Christ, I trust in the POWER of PRAYER and the PROVISION of the SPIRIT. Prayer shows dependence on the power of God, and every day in the secret place, I give myself over to the Spirit to lead, guide, help and provide everything I need to live.

4. In Christ, I recognize that life is impossible without him. Death is actually the easier thing. To live fully in Christ is not easy, but simple. I must daily surrender my will to his will. Again, not easy but pretty simple. But again, it’s living “from” him, not “for” him.

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