Sep 23, 2018 | Greg Johnson

Two Paths in a Trial

There are two paths in a trial. One leads to completeness, the crown of life, the life you’ve always wanted, the other leads to temptation, enticement, sin and ultimately death.

Matthew 7:13-14– one path is broad and well lit and most people take it, while few allow their way to be illuminated by God and find life – Psalm 1:1-3

Sin begins in the MIND. The first thought is God must not be good, he has forgotten me, doesn’t love me. It begins the drift, the lure, the enticement. Paul warns us in 2 Cor. 10:5to take EVERY THOUGHT captive and make it obedient to Christ – 1 Cor.3:19– wisdom of world is foolishness to God

Recognize the source and the course of temptation. The process of becoming more like Jesus is recognizing when your thought patterns differ from his – knowing your desires and trigger points is essential to overcoming temptation. And play it out in your mind – it’s like that old movie WAR GAMES – play out every scenario – it never ends well.

Find the way of Escape. 1 Cor. 10:13– There is ALWAYS a way out. Goes back to V5 – when you are in vibrant relationship with Jesus, he will give you wisdom when you need it. Remember, goal of God is MATURITY, COMPLETENESS, CROWN OF LIFE – Jesus wants to set you free (Gal. 5:1), but the process of growth is learning to clearly see escape route.


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