Aug 26, 2018 | Greg Johnson

Vision Sunday

The result of everyone living in their full potential in the Kingdom of God is expressed at the end of every service – let me break it down for you:

Because we have received the DNA of Jesus…– not physical DNA, but spiritual DNA – Galatians 2:20- the Holy Spirit is in any who say yes to Jesus, and is in process of transforming us to look like Jesus – in short, the power of God is coursing through our veins, and if we let him, he will make us more like Jesus everyday

and because we want to see his kingdom come…”– this is straight out of Matthew 6:10as Jesus taught us to pray – we want to see heaven on earth, for the kingdom of God to come into every situation in our lives – financial, relational, addictions, family, career, all of it…

“We will be his hands and feet in a broken world…”– The first two statements are setting up what we want to be about: being a catalyst for restoration in the world. We want to be used by Jesus as agents of healing and restoration in a world that is extremely broken.

“We will be love, peace hope…”– this is not an exhaustive list of who we are called to be in the world, but these are three pretty important things to bring to the world – love w/o judgment, peace into our anxiety-ridden culture, and hope – not wishing, but confidence that God will save the day 

“And we will expect extraordinary God-activity at all times…”– why would expect anything less from an extraordinary God – as people living in our full potential, we expect the extraordinary in every encounter we have throughout the day – How exciting is THAT LIFE???

“Knowing wherever we go, the Kingdom goes with us…”– we are carriers of the Kingdom of God, ALL THE TIME – when we walk into a room, we are literally bringing the Kingdom into every circumstance – how can life not be an adventure when we’re living with that realization? 

“For His fame and glory. Amen.”– it’s not about your glory, but the glory of Jesus

Whether you’ve been here for 3 years or 3 minutes, the time is NOW to embrace God’s vision for you – Let’s CHANGE THE WORLD!

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