
The Cost of Following Jesus

Posted by Greg Johnson on


Discover the profound challenges of true discipleship. Through deep reflections and heartfelt prayers, confront what it means to embrace commitment, grace, discomfort, urgency, and purpose in your walk with Jesus. Prepare for a transformative journey that demands deeper faith and radical obedience.

Day 1: The Call to Commitment

Scripture: Matthew 8:18-22

When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He doesn’t mince words. There’s no bait and switch, no hidden agenda. He’s upfront about the cost. Unlike the fine print on a credit card offer that hides the true cost of debt, Jesus boldly declares the sacrifices required to be His disciple. In my own life, I was once trapped by the deceptive promises of a credit card, a reminder that the cost of discipleship is never hidden by Jesus. He makes it clear that following Him will disrupt our lives and demand real commitment.

Think about your life. Where have you settled for comfort instead of radical commitment to Jesus? Have you embraced a version of discipleship that’s convenient and easy? Jesus calls us to something far greater, far deeper—a life of true sacrifice and profound commitment. This means rethinking our habits, priorities, and how we live out our faith. The path Jesus lays out is one of significant sacrifice, but it’s the path that leads to true life.
In accepting this call, remember that Jesus Himself lived a life of sacrifice. He walked the hard road, faced opposition, and ultimately gave His life for us. As His followers, we are called to walk that same path. It’s not easy, but it’s the way to true fulfillment. Pray for the strength and courage to fully commit to Jesus, to embrace the cost of following Him with all your heart.

Prayer: Lord, show me where I’ve chosen comfort over commitment. Strengthen me to embrace the full cost of following You. Help me to live out my faith with boldness and conviction, trusting in Your path. Amen.

Day 2: Understanding Cheap vs. Costly Grace

Scripture: Matthew 5:10-12

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s distinction between "cheap grace" and "costly grace" hits at the heart of true discipleship. Cheap grace offers forgiveness without demanding repentance, baptism without discipline, communion without confession. It’s a grace that asks nothing of us and changes nothing in us. Costly grace, however, transforms us completely. It calls us to follow Jesus, demands our lives, and confronts our sin. Jesus’ Beatitudes speak to this costly grace, blessing those who are persecuted for righteousness and who mourn over their sins.

Bonhoeffer’s challenge is clear: following Jesus means embracing a grace that costs. It’s not about easy believism or shallow faith. It’s about a deep, transformative commitment to live out Jesus’ teachings. This kind of grace calls us to repent, to change, and to endure hardships for the sake of the gospel. Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount challenge us to live counterculturally, embracing humility, purity, mercy, and peacemaking.
Examine your life. Have you been seeking a cheap grace, one that demands nothing from you? Reflect on the areas where you need to embrace the costly grace of true discipleship. This grace not only forgives but transforms and empowers us to live boldly for Christ. Pray for the strength to accept this costly grace and to live out your faith with authenticity and courage.

Prayer: Jesus, forgive me for seeking easy grace without true repentance. Help me to embrace the full measure of Your costly grace, transforming my heart and life. Empower me to follow You with unwavering devotion and to live out Your call with courage. Amen.

Day 3: The Cost of Comfort

Scripture: Matthew 8:20

Jesus’ response to the eager teacher of the law is striking: “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” This isn’t the comfort we seek in life; it’s a stark reminder that following Jesus means embracing discomfort. Reflecting on my story of pastors in Kenya walking 20 miles for training highlights this truth. Their joy and gratitude despite discomfort stand in sharp contrast to our modern preference for convenience and ease.

Reflect on the comforts you cling to. Are there routines, securities, or relationships that you prioritize over your commitment to Jesus? Jesus’ call to follow Him often means stepping out of these comfort zones. It’s about making choices that align with His mission, even when they disrupt our comfortable lives. Consider the story of Jamie Mayes, who left a successful career for Jesus. Her willingness to abandon comfort led to a life of profound joy and impact.

Jesus calls us to abandon our comfort for His sake. This might mean difficult conversations, lifestyle changes, or financial sacrifices. It’s about prioritizing His mission over our comfort. Reflect on where you need to let go of comfort and embrace the discomfort of true discipleship. Trust that Jesus will provide and sustain you as you step out in faith.

Prayer: Father, reveal to me the comforts I need to abandon to follow You more faithfully. Help me embrace the discomfort that comes with true discipleship. Strengthen my resolve to prioritize Your mission over my personal comfort. Amen.

Day 4: The Urgency of Following Jesus

Scripture: Matthew 8:21-22

When a disciple asked to bury his father first, Jesus responded with a sense of urgency: “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.” This highlights the immediate and total abandonment required to follow Jesus. We often delay obedience, making excuses and waiting for a more convenient time. But Jesus calls us to follow Him now, without hesitation.

Reflect on the areas where you’ve procrastinated in your commitment to Jesus. Are there things you’ve put off, hoping for a better time? The call to follow Jesus isn’t something we can delay. It requires immediate action and a willingness to abandon our old lives. Consider Jamie Mayes, who left a lucrative career to follow Jesus’ call. Her immediate obedience led to a life of profound joy and impact.
Jesus’ call is clear: follow Him today. Don’t wait for the perfect moment or until you have everything figured out. Trust that He will guide and provide for you as you step out in faith. Reflect on the excuses you’ve made and ask Jesus to help you overcome them. Embrace the urgency of His call and take steps today to follow Him more closely.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, remove the excuses that hold me back from fully committing to You. Give me the courage to follow Jesus with immediacy and abandon my old ways. Help me trust in Your guidance and provision as I step out in faith today. Amen.

Day 5: Living a Life of Purpose

Scripture: Luke 9:23

Jesus calls us to a life of purpose, one marked by self-denial and a daily commitment to follow Him. In Luke 9:23, He says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” This call to self-denial and carrying our cross is not about living a life of ease but about embracing the purpose and mission Jesus has for us. It means living with intentionality and focus, prioritizing His kingdom above all else.

Reflect on Jamie Mayes’ story again. She left a successful career to follow Jesus’ call, leading her to a life of profound joy and impact. Her decision highlights the fulfillment that comes from living out our God-given purpose, even when it involves sacrifice. Examine your own life. Are you pursuing personal ambitions at the expense of God’s calling? What do you need to let go of to fully embrace the purpose Jesus has for you?

Living a life of purpose requires reorienting our priorities and aligning our actions with God’s will. It involves daily self-denial and a willingness to follow Jesus wherever He leads. This might mean making difficult decisions, changing our lifestyle, or stepping out in faith into the unknown. Trust that Jesus’ call to follow Him is an invitation to the most fulfilling and impactful life possible. Reflect on how you can live out this purpose in your daily life and ask Jesus to guide you in making choices that honor Him.

Prayer: Lord, help me embrace Your call to live a life of purpose. Let me not seek my own ambitions but Your will for my life. Guide me to take up my cross daily and follow You with all my heart. Give me the courage to make the necessary changes and the faith to trust in Your plans. Amen.


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