
Jul 14, 2024 | Josh Agnew

Extraordinary Kindness

This week, we delve into Matthew 9:18-26, exploring the extraordinary kindness of Jesus. These verses recount two incredible stories: the miraculous healing of a woman who had suffered for twelve years and the resurrection of a ruler's daughter. Through these accounts, we witness not only the miraculous power of Jesus but also His deep compassion and kindness.

In the first story, a woman who had been suffering from a discharge of blood for twelve years reaches out in faith to touch the fringe of Jesus' garment, believing that even the slightest contact with Him could make her well. Her condition had made her ceremonially unclean, isolating her from society and religious life. Despite the risk of public shame and possible punishment, she pushes through the crowd, driven by her desperate need for healing. Jesus, moved by her faith, turns to her and says, "Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well." Instantly, she is healed. This moment is not just about the physical miracle but about Jesus' profound compassion and His recognition of her faith. He sees her, acknowledges her suffering, and restores her, calling her "daughter" and affirming her worth and faith.

The second story involves a desperate ruler, named Jairus, whose daughter has just died. He approaches Jesus with a plea for help, asking Him to bring his daughter back to life. Despite the potential hostility from the religious leaders to whom Jairus belongs, he risks everything by publicly seeking Jesus' help. Jesus responds to this desperate plea, immediately setting off to the ruler’s house. When they arrive, they encounter a crowd of mourners who mock Jesus for suggesting the girl is merely sleeping. Undeterred, Jesus clears the room, takes the girl by the hand, and gently says, "Little girl, I say to you, arise." Miraculously, she gets up and walks. This act demonstrates Jesus' power over death and His willingness to respond to deep, desperate faith, even in the face of doubt and ridicule from others.

These stories show us not just the extraordinary miracles Jesus performed but also how He performed them—with deep compassion and kindness. Jesus was not just a miracle worker; He was profoundly caring and engaged with those in need, regardless of their social status or the opinions of others. His actions reveal His character and His heart for those who are desperate and hurting. He responds to both the wealthy ruler and the destitute woman with the same extraordinary kindness, showing no partiality.

As we reflect on these passages, we are challenged to consider our own faith. Can we trust Jesus with our deepest needs? Are we willing to humble ourselves and reach out to Him, believing that He can heal and restore us? The kindness and power of Jesus are as available to us today as they were to the people He encountered in these stories.

Let's take a step of faith and trust in His extraordinary kindness. Whether we feel like the ruler, in a position of influence but desperate for help, or like the woman, isolated and in pain, Jesus invites us to come to Him. His response is not just one of power but one of profound love and compassion. He sees us, knows our struggles, and meets us with the same extraordinary kindness that we see in these stories. So, let us throw ourselves at His feet with deep, desperate need and blind faith, trusting that He will respond with His healing power and extraordinary kindness.

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Series Information

Join us as we embark on a transformative journey through the Gospel of Matthew, exploring the profound teachings and events that define this pivotal book of the New Testament. This series will delve into the core messages of Jesus, from the Sermon on the Mount to His parables, miracles, and the ultimate sacrifice of His life.

Throughout this series, we will uncover themes of faith, righteousness, humility, and divine authority, as well as the cost of discipleship and the call to immediate and wholehearted commitment. Each week, we will explore different aspects of Jesus' ministry, including healing, prayer, true righteousness, and the challenges of living out His teachings.

We will examine the principles Jesus laid out for living a life aligned with God's will, from understanding true blessedness and the nature of God's kingdom to embracing radical love, mercy, and the immediate call to follow Him. This series aims to deepen our faith and challenge us to live out the values of Jesus' teachings in our daily lives.

Join us for the "Matthew" series and discover how the teachings and life of Jesus can transform your heart and mind, guiding you to a more meaningful and fulfilling walk with Christ.