
Jun 23, 2024 | Greg Johnson

Jesus vs the Demonic

 In the spring of 2019, Yvonne and I had the incredible opportunity to visit Haiti and witness firsthand the impactful work of Coreluv in building and operating children’s villages for orphans. On our last day, while walking through a small village with dirt paths and rudimentary housing, a young boy flagged us down. He urgently asked us to help his mom. When we entered her home, we found her hunched over the end of her bed, appearing lifeless. Her sister began calling out to her, “Livia!” Suddenly, Livia threw her head back and started moaning and talking. I looked at our interpreter and van driver, whose eyes were wide with fear. “What is she saying?” I asked. “She’s not saying anything,” he replied. “HE says he’ll kill her!”

Immediately, Yvonne, Jason, John, Traci, and I began praying over her, commanding the evil spirit to leave in the name of Jesus. After a few minutes of intense prayer, her eyes popped open, and she became quiet and peaceful—the demon was gone. Livia later told us that the evil spirit had followed her from the Dominican Republic. She embraced us, thanking us deeply, and we left, overwhelmed by the profound encounter we had just experienced. We had witnessed the presence of the demonic and the undeniable power of Jesus to overcome it.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been exploring the authority of Jesus: His authority over sickness and disease, over the wind and waves, and today, His authority over demonic activity. Let’s dive into Matthew 8:28-34, where we see this authority vividly displayed.

In Matthew 8:28-34, the story is recounted in three of the four gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—with slight variations in detail. In verse 28, Jesus and His disciples arrive at the other side of the lake, in the region of the Gadarenes. This region, on the east bank of the Sea of Galilee, about eight miles from Capernaum, was Gentile territory. Jesus was now operating outside of Israel.

As soon as they landed, two demon-possessed men came from the tombs to meet Him. It’s interesting to note that the verb “demon-possessed” appears 13 times in the New Testament, all within the gospels, highlighting the increased demonic activity during Jesus’ ministry. The Kingdom of God was clashing with the Kingdom of darkness. These men, incredibly violent, blocked the path from the shore to the town, living among the tombs—a fitting place for unclean spirits.

In verse 29, the demons speak first, recognizing Jesus as the Son of God and acknowledging His authority. Unlike the Pharisees, who resisted Jesus’ authority in the physical realm, the demons immediately recognized His divine authority in the spiritual realm. They asked, “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” This statement reflects their awareness of their ultimate defeat. The demons know their end is certain and cower in Jesus’ presence, even before He speaks a word.

Verses 30-31 underscore that they were not in Jewish territory, evidenced by the presence of a herd of pigs. The demons, knowing Jesus would cast them out, begged to be sent into the pigs instead of being sent to hell. This negotiation illustrates their powerlessness without Jesus’ permission. In verse 32, Jesus speaks a single word, “GO!” The demons flee into the pigs, sending them over a cliff into the lake to drown.

In verse 33, the herdsmen run to the town to share what happened. The transformation in the demon-possessed men’s demeanor was undeniable. In other gospel accounts, the healed man (or men) was now in his right mind and wanted to join Jesus. However, in verse 34, the townspeople, rather than welcoming Jesus, pleaded with Him to leave. Despite witnessing His power and the change in the men, they preferred the demons over Jesus. Whether due to economic loss or fear of His authority, they desperately wanted Him gone.

What can we learn from this story? First, we must recognize that we have an enemy seeking to distract, discredit, and destroy us (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8, Ephesians 6:12). Second, Jesus will go to great lengths to find and heal our brokenness. He traveled across the Sea of Galilee, through a storm, into unfamiliar territory, just to reach these two men. There is no length He won’t go to meet us in our need.

Finally, Jesus has authority over all things, including the demonic. When we have Jesus within us, we too have authority over demonic forces (1 John 4:4). Jesus told His disciples they would do the works He did (John 14:12). When He sent out the 72, they rejoiced, saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name” (Luke 10:17). However, this authority is not a party trick but a demonstration of God’s power through our lives.

As followers of Jesus, we are commissioned to bring the power of the Kingdom of God wherever we go. Through Jesus, we can see lives changed, sickness healed, storms calmed, and evil cast out. Who in your life needs the power of Jesus for healing? How does Jesus want to partner with you to do the miraculous?

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Series Information

Join us as we embark on a transformative journey through the Gospel of Matthew, exploring the profound teachings and events that define this pivotal book of the New Testament. This series will delve into the core messages of Jesus, from the Sermon on the Mount to His parables, miracles, and the ultimate sacrifice of His life.

Throughout this series, we will uncover themes of faith, righteousness, humility, and divine authority, as well as the cost of discipleship and the call to immediate and wholehearted commitment. Each week, we will explore different aspects of Jesus' ministry, including healing, prayer, true righteousness, and the challenges of living out His teachings.

We will examine the principles Jesus laid out for living a life aligned with God's will, from understanding true blessedness and the nature of God's kingdom to embracing radical love, mercy, and the immediate call to follow Him. This series aims to deepen our faith and challenge us to live out the values of Jesus' teachings in our daily lives.

Join us for the "Matthew" series and discover how the teachings and life of Jesus can transform your heart and mind, guiding you to a more meaningful and fulfilling walk with Christ.