Jun 25, 2023 | Greg Johnson
Kingdom Inheritance
In August 2013, Kayla Mueller, who was working with the organization Doctors Without Borders, was captured by ISIS in the town of Aleppo – she was in captivity for 18 months, beaten, sexually assaulted and forced into slave labor, and eventually died in early 2015. In a CBS 20/20 report, several who were held captive with her that were eventually released talked about her strength and courage – in fact, they told stories of how Kayla’s faith inspired them to hold onto hope during their captivity. Although Kayla didn’t survive her brutal time of captivity, her outspoken faith in Jesus was the thing that sustained her when everything around her seemed hopeless.
When I hear stories like this, I am both inspired by the strength and courage of the captive, and long for justice for the captor. I think about evil in the world and wonder why God would allow someone to suffer for their faith – yet, I am also intrigued by the strength and resolve of a girl like Kayla Mueller, who seemed to live transcendent of her circumstances, as if she was living in another reality, another Kingdom. Evil couldn’t touch her, couldn’t break her, wouldn’t win. In fact, kill her and you only make her stronger.
This is life in the Kingdom of God. At the end of every service, we say, “Wherever we go, the Kingdom goes with us.” This means in every situation, we are carriers of Kingdom DNA, that we have a KINGDOM INHERITANCE, meaning everything that is wrong with the world, the seeming advancement of evil can’t touch us. I
n fact, you own every room you walk into, because you have Kingdom DNA coursing through your veins. If you really believed that, how would it change your interaction with the world? How would your thoughts shift from fear to courage? Today, we are beginning a series in the Psalms. In Psalm 37, David gives us a clear picture of the brief shelf life of evil, and a series of snapshots of WHO inherits the land and HOW they do it.
The inheritance David talks about is a physical inheritance, part of the covenant God made with Abraham that is being passed onto those who remain faithful to God. However, today, in light of Jesus, “inheriting the land” becomes something bigger, a KINGDOM INHERITANCE, meaning that evil can never overtake me, because I am living in the reality that the Kingdom of Heaven is IN ME. That reality helps me see the world differently. Let’s look at Psalm 37:1-40.
Three thoughts I see in the Psalm: Evil has NO FUTURE, WHO “inherits the land” and HOW the land is inherited.
First, throughout the Psalm, David clearly states that evil people have a short shelf life. This is not new information. This goes back to Genesis 3 in the garden, it appears the serpent wins the battle, but God says in Genesis 3:15 that he is a defeated foe, illusion to Jesus.
V1-2 – Those who do wrong wither like the grass, fade away like green plants. Last summer, and it looks like this summer will be a repeat, there is not enough water to keep our yards from eventually turning brown. It is an eventuality. This is David’s picture of those that do evil, their life is destined for ruin.
V9-10 - Those who do evil will be destroyed, a little while and the wicked will be no more.
V13 – The LORD laughs at the wicked, because their day of destruction is coming.
V14-15 – Reading yesterday about the Russian faction that is turning on their own country, marching toward Moscow. They are slowly falling from within – “swords pierce their own hearts, bows broken.”
V20 – Perish, consumed, up in smoke – this feels apocalyptic – similar pictures painted in Revelation.
V22, 28 – The wicked will be destroyed.
V36 – Seemingly flourishing, but soon passes away.
Clear picture: Evil has a shelf life – In our culture today, evil seems to be gaining territory, and that can elicit fear, but remember, the enemy HAS ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED. While it seems like he is winning, HE IS A DEFEATED FOE. 1 John 4:4, the one in the world actually has no power, only propaganda, convincing you that you are losing and you need to be afraid – Reality is that because of Jesus, you have ALREADY WON! The KINGDOM is already advancing, and the enemy KNOWS IT.
WHO INHERITS THE LAND? This phrase is mentioned 6 times in this passage, giving the characteristics of the one who inherits the Kingdom. We said it during Hebrews, the goal is not getting to Heaven, but getting Heaven IN YOU. – Luke 17:21 The Kingdom is “in your midst” Jesus ushered in a new Kingdom, and the inheritance came at the cross. Through the cross, you have been given access to receiving the Kingdom of God, becoming a TEMPLE where the presence and power of God dwells. You think, feel and act differently, because the Spirit of Jesus now DWELLS IN YOU. The Kingdom is IN YOU and advancing THROUGH YOU. What does this look like?
V9 – “Those that HOPE in the LORD” – this speaks to confidence – hope is not a wish, but a confidence that God is good, no matter what.
V11 – “The meek…” - what does meek mean? It is strength under control – Jesus actually lifted this verse in the beatitudes. – Matthew 5:5 – “The meek inherit the earth.” Those with quiet confidence, those that aren’t ruffled by the culture run amok, that see the world confidently through spiritual eyes. Sees evil for what it is, and takes a deep breath, and continues to stand in quiet confidence.
V18 – “The blameless…” – the product of your life is Kingdom – not perfection, but when people look at your life, they see that you are pursuing something different
V21-22 – “Generous” – Fear causes you to hold on, but Kingdom mindset lives open-handed – when you sense spiritual “ownership” every room you walk into, you are quick to give away
V29 – “The righteous…” – In Jesus, you have been made righteous – 2 Corinthians 5:21 – pursuing something bigger than the kingdoms of this world (money, sex and power)
V34 – “Keep his way…” – those that put into practice the way of Jesus inherit the land – this is simply living like Jesus did, living as a disciple of Jesus
HOW DO I INHERIT THE LAND? David gives several action steps throughout Psalm 37 of how to gain a KINGDOM INHERITANCE
V1 – “Don’t fret, don’t envy…” – Don’t five way to fear or anxiety – if you don’t see the world through the lens of Jesus, you will ALWAYS give way to FEAR – AND, if you envy the status of those who are living contrary to the way of Jesus, it will drive your decision making toward building your own kingdom (status and recognition).
V3 – “Trust and do good…” – Trust that God is good NO MATTER WHAT – if he’s only good when you get your way, then he’s not very good – ENJOY SAFE PASTURE – Psalm 23, he makes me lie down in green pastures, leads me beside quiet waters, restores my soul.
V4 – “Delight yourself in the LORD” – misquoted verse – we love the “getting the desires of the heart” part, but delighting in the LORD is loving the things that God loves – in the secret place, he is changing my heart desires to align with his
V5 – “Commit your way…” – This is a picture of steadfastness – I hold on, NO MATTER WHAT – And I become a shining trophy of his grace (Matthew 5:14, Light of the world) – he vindicates me – I don’t need to vindicate myself, be right – God is my vindicator
V7- “Be still, wait patiently…” – Here is the meat – it is not your battle to fight, but the LORD’s – 2 Chronicles 20:15 – Exodus 14:14, be still and watch the power of God work on your behalf – Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God – Ephesians 6:10-14a, the way to fight in the Kingdom is to STAND FIRM and let God do your fighting for you – 2 Cor 10:3-5 – we don’t fight the way the world does – counter-intuitive
V8 – “Refrain from anger, turn from wrath” – don’t take matters into your own hands – God doesn’t need defending – in fact, your ability to refrain from anger gains Kingdom territory
V27 – Turn from evil – 1 Thess 5:22 – in KJV, “very appearance of evil” – stay away from it, don’t even get close to it
V37 – Seek peace – a future awaits for those who seek peace – Matt 5:9 – peacemakers are called children of God, Kingdom INHERITANCE
V40 – take REFUGE in the LORD – deliverance, protection, shelter comes from God – he is your protector and provider – Psalm 17:8 – hide me in shadow of wings
Close: We see in this passage the clash of two kingdoms – the kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of God – This Psalm gives insight for believers to take hold of what YOU ALREADY OWN – this is not prosperity gospel, it is bigger than possessions, but a way to view the world, through the eyes of Jesus
- Evil has NO FUTURE. Evil lives for NOW, but has no FUTURE – the kingdoms and standards or patterns of the world, are DESTINED to FAIL – don’t believe the hype from the enemy – He is a DEFEATED FOE
- The Way of JESUS plays the LONG GAME. Evil may win a few battles, but Jesus WON the WAR. And as people of the WAY, the Kingdom is inherited by those who HOPE and have QUIET CONFIDENCE that HE HAS ALREADY WON, and you remain faithful, consistent, generous because the reward is ETERNAL
- A KINGDOM INHERITANCE comes through counter-cultural living. I trust, delight, commit, STAND STILL, wait patiently, refrain from anger, flee even the appearance of evil, pursue peace and find my refuge not in the safety the world offers, but in Jesus