Jun 16, 2024 | Josh Agnew

The Jesus Way

The Backstory of the Colossian Church

The Colossian church was founded by Epaphras, a disciple of Paul. Despite the initial success and genuine faith of the Colossian believers, external pressures began to erode their confidence in Christ's sufficiency. They started believing that their experience of Christ wasn't enough and began seeking more.

Does this sound familiar? Have you ever felt bored or disillusioned with your faith, just as the Colossians did?

Boredom and Faith: A Personal Reflection

Let's talk about boredom. Remember the early '90s when standing in line meant reading magazine covers or making awkward small talk? Now, we eliminate boredom with smartphones and endless entertainment. But what about spiritual boredom?

I can relate. As a kid, my friends and I invented pranks like "nickel tapping" to escape boredom. We'd attach a fishing line to a nickel on a neighbor's window and tap it from afar, causing confusion and frustration. We did this because we hated being bored.

Today, boredom extends to our spiritual lives. We crave constant activity and entertainment, even in our faith. This is where Paul's message to the Colossians becomes vital.

Paul’s Prayer: A Remedy for Spiritual Boredom

Paul addresses the Colossians' spiritual malaise not with criticism but with prayer. He prays for them to be filled with the knowledge of God's will, to live lives pleasing to the Lord, and to bear fruit in every good work.

Knowledge, Action, and Relationship: The Flywheel of Faith

Paul’s prayer is a cycle—a flywheel, if you will—of knowledge, action, and deepening relationship with God:

  1. Knowledge of God's Will: It starts with understanding God's will through His Word. This isn't just academic knowledge but wisdom imparted by the Holy Spirit.
  2. Bearing Fruit: This knowledge should transform our lives, leading us to bear fruit—actions that reflect Christ’s love and character.
  3. Deepening Relationship: As we bear fruit, our relationship with God deepens, bringing us back to seeking more knowledge of His will.

Breaking the Cycle of Boredom

So, how do we break free from spiritual boredom? By continuously turning this flywheel of faith. Engage deeply with God's Word, let it transform you, and actively live out your faith. This cycle not only prevents spiritual stagnation but also brings us closer to the fullness of life that Jesus promised.

Practical Steps Forward

  1. Daily Devotion: Commit to a daily time of reading and reflecting on the Bible.
  2. Active Service: Find ways to serve others, letting your actions be the fruit of your faith.
  3. Community Prayer: Join in communal prayer, asking for spiritual wisdom and strength for yourself and others.


Paul’s message to the Colossians is a timeless reminder that Christ is enough. We don’t need additional experiences or knowledge beyond what He has given us. Let’s commit to turning the flywheel of faith, embracing knowledge, action, and deeper relationship with God.

Feel free to join us for our First Wednesday gatherings where we pray together and support each other in this journey. Remember, in Christ, you have everything you need to live a fulfilling and vibrant faith.

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